Uses And Gratification Theory Pdf

In this article i argue just the opposite and any.
Uses and gratification theory pdf. Media users are active in their selection of the media they consume and they are aware of their reasons for selecting different media options. Uses and gratifications theory katz blumler and gurevitch pioneered the uses and gratification theory in 1974. The theory relies on two principles. The uses and gratifications theory has beendebated as to its accuracy and relevance in evaluating an audience sutilization ofmass media 5 however many media scholars and economists continue to contend that the uses and gratifications theory is a legitimate vehicle for assessing user activity in different media including modemmedia.
Kumpulan teori uses and gratification theory agenda setting theory cultivation theory coordinated management of meaning theory social contruction symbolic interactionism atribution theory. Namun apabila kebutuhan dasar tersebut masih belum terpenuhi maka tentunya individu tersebut belum bisa memenuhi kebutuhan yang lebih tinggi tingkatannya. Ugt maintains that people actively evaluate the available media and they select the media or innovation that they believe will satisfy their needs and maximize their. According to the uses and gratification theory mehrad tajer 2016 the media s most important role is to fulfill the social psychological needs and motivations of the audience.
Uses and gratifications theory 6 kebutuhan yang lebih mendasar terlebih dahulu seberti kebutuhan akan rasa aman dan sebagainya. The evolution of uses and gratifications research uses and grati รพ cations research has focused on audience motivation and consumption. Uses and gratifications characterizes people as active and motivated in selecting the media they choose to consume. Uses and gratifications theory.
Ruggiero communications department university of texas at el paso some mass communications scholars have contended that uses and gratifications is not a rigorous social science theory. But according to mcquail 2010 the theory could be traced from the early 1940 s when researchers started investigating why people listen to popular radio programmes and why they read newspapers daily. Ses and gratification theory ugt 28 suggests that consumers play an active role in selecting and using a media.